Effects of vinasse application "in natura" or concentrated associated with n-fertilizer of ratoon sugarcane and environment


  • Gael Silvia Peñaranda Liendo Silva Doutoranda, Unicamp/Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica
  • Fabio Cesar da Silva Embrapa Informatica Agropecuária
  • Bruno José Rodrigues Alves Embrapa Agrobiologia
  • Edson Tomaz Professor, Faculdade de engenharia Química, UNICAMP, campinas SP.
  • Ronaldo Severiano Berton
  • Luis Fernando Sanglade Marchiori ESALQ-USP, Piracicaba SP.
  • Felipe Gomes da Silveira




Concentration of vinasse. Agroindustrial effluent. Nitrogen balance.


The objective was to evaluate the fertilization with vinasse "in natura" or concentrated and nitrogen fertilizer on yield, quality of sugarcane and dynamics of N, reflecting the improvement of soil fertility by adding nutrients, checking the influence of the treatments applied to the biometrics of the plant and also assess if the nutritional adequacy of culture has been achieved through the manifestation of its leaf up in the four months. The experiment was carried out in the field with rattoon cane in the 2nd cut, using an experimental randomized block design, with a total of 30 plots, where we have 5 treatments with 6 repetitions, the treatments were carried out according to the following proportions: T1 vinasse "in natura" (120 m3 / ha), T2 vinasse (120 m3 / ha) + 60 kg of urea-N, T3 concentrated vinasse (20 m3 / ha), T4- 60 kg of urea-N / ha T5- Witness. It was found that there was no significant difference for the technological quality of sugarcane, however the quality of the broth and productivity there, since the treatments T1, T2 and T3 showed concentrations of K (potassium) higher than the treatments T4 and T5 . Among the foliar fertility treatments was found values that meet the sufficiency of culture. For the soil fertility K we have significant differences among depths, localization and treatment. Looking in-depth the effects of the application of the vinasse and the nitrogen fertilizer, there is a significant co-relationin soil parameters (NO3, soluble C and humidity).

Author Biographies

Gael Silvia Peñaranda Liendo Silva, Doutoranda, Unicamp/Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica

Engenheira Quimica, Mestre em Eengenharia Quimica - UNICAMP e doutorando em Engenhraia Quimica.

Fabio Cesar da Silva, Embrapa Informatica Agropecuária

Engenheiro Agornomo, Mestre e Doutor em solos, Pos-doutor em Agronomia, Pós-doutorado  na Universidade Politecnica de Madrid.

Bruno José Rodrigues Alves, Embrapa Agrobiologia

Engenheiro aronomo, Mestre e Doutor em Solos.

Edson Tomaz, Professor, Faculdade de engenharia Química, UNICAMP, campinas SP.

Engenharia Quimica pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1986), mestrado em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1990) e doutorado em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1998). Atualmente é professor assistente doutor da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Química, com ênfase em tecnologia ambiental, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: poluição do ar, dispersão de poluentes, modelo matemático de dispersão atmosférica, compostos orgânicos voláteis e monitoração da qualidade do ar.

Luis Fernando Sanglade Marchiori, ESALQ-USP, Piracicaba SP.

Eng. agronomo, Mestre e Doutor em Fitotecnia.



How to Cite

Silva, G. S. P. L., Silva, F. C. da, Alves, B. J. R., Tomaz, E., Berton, R. S., Marchiori, L. F. S., & Silveira, F. G. da. (2019). Effects of vinasse application "in natura" or concentrated associated with n-fertilizer of ratoon sugarcane and environment. Holos Environment, 19(1), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.14295/holos.v19i1.12212


