The implementation of the iNDC brazilian in light of the paris agreement and its challenges


  • Marcelo Hugo de Medeiros Bezerra
  • Carlos Roberto Sanquetta Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Ana Paula Dalla Corte Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Marieli Sabrina Ruza Universidade Fedral do Paraná
  • Marília do Carmo Dolci de Carvalho Universidade Federal do Paraná



Low-Carbon Economy. Mitigation. Climate Change.


In 2015, under the context of climate negotiations that culminated in the adoption of the Paris Agreement, Brazil presented its intended Nationally Determined Contribution, (iNDC), which has become the climate commitment to Greenhouse Gases mitigation in the country. This study aimed to identify the main challenges for the implementation of the goal set by the Brazilian government. For that, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 experienced representatives in the climate area, divided into 4 segments: government, civil society, academia and the private sector. The hypothesis that the allocation of financial resources to meet the targets will be critical was confirmed, as well as the hypothesis that climate governance structure and current policies and programs need to be updated to achieve the goal. As additional results, the sectors of energy, land use change and forests and agriculture are in need of greater attention to meet the established goals. Regarding the ambition, the segment of government believes that the Brazilian goal is very ambitious, the segment of civil society shows that the goal is not ambitious and should be changed, and representatives of academia and private sector were divided in opinion on the subject. It is concluded that the country will face several challenges of economic development, technological and implementation of legislation and the conversion of the goal into effective public policy and that climate change must be the main guideline for a new development model based in a low-carbon economy.

Author Biography

Marcelo Hugo de Medeiros Bezerra

Pós graduado em Projetos Sustentáveis, Mudanças climáticas e Mercado de carbono pela UFPR



How to Cite

de Medeiros Bezerra, M. H., Sanquetta, C. R., Dalla Corte, A. P., Ruza, M. S., & Dolci de Carvalho, M. do C. (2019). The implementation of the iNDC brazilian in light of the paris agreement and its challenges. Holos Environment, 19(1), 42–59.


