Vitrified steel wall reservoirs for reducing the loss of treated water


  • Thalyse Ungericht PortalSeg - Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho, Catanduvas - SC
  • Elfride Anrain Lindner Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina



Treated water. Reservoirs. Vitrified steel. Reinforced concrete.


The losses of treated water in reservoirs must be contained, as it results in unbilled water for the concessionaires. The vitrification process is applied on both sides of the steel sheets, provides tightness. Structural steel receives a glass enamel melted at 850 degrees Celsius, an inorganic layer that never needs painting and retains its original characteristics after more than 60 years of service. This article aims to present the use of vitrified steel metal sheets in the construction of reservoirs for potable water storage and to compare with traditional ones constructed of reinforced concrete. The research included identification of international technical standards, consultation of companies executing reservoirs for water storage using two types of materials (vitrified steel plates and reinforced concrete) and case study of the use of reservoirs. Glazed steel plates are manufactured outside. The representatives in Brazil do the import and offer technical assistance and specialized labor. The Simae Joaçaba holds the first vitrified steel reservoir that came into operation in Brazil in 2007 (1,147 m³ capacity) and has seven reservoirs, with a total capacity of 6,797 m³, with this technology, in 2018. They were surveyed reservoirs in reinforced concrete and vitrified steel in Joaçaba, with photographic registry, identification of pathologies in the concrete and analysis of advantages and disadvantages between the materials. The users interviewed approve the use of vitrified steel in the reservoirs for potable water storage, by reducing water losses, better and more efficient cleaning, contributing to water quality.

Author Biographies

Thalyse Ungericht, PortalSeg - Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho, Catanduvas - SC

Engenheira Civil, formada pela Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, Campus de Joaçaba, 2018

Atua na PortalSegu - Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho, Catanduvas - SC


Elfride Anrain Lindner, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

Engenheira Civil, Mestre em Hidrúalica e Saneamento USP, Doutora em Engenharia Ambiental UFSC

Professora curso de Engenharia Civil Unoesc Joaçaba - SC



How to Cite

Ungericht, T., & Lindner, E. A. (2020). Vitrified steel wall reservoirs for reducing the loss of treated water. Holos Environment, 20(1), 1–20.


