Replacement of manning’s tabled ratio by programmable fuctions
Tabela das relações de Manning, Curve Expert, Funções Modeladas.Abstract
In this work, equations were modeled by the Curve Expert program to eliminate the laborious manual interpolation process of the Manning relations table and thus accelerate the process in urban infrastructure projects for micro stormwater drainage and sewage collection, both by gravity. Three functions were modeled: V/Vp(Q/Qp), for calculating the velocity "V", Y/D (Q/Qp) for calculation of the blade "Y" and R/D (Q/Qp) for calculating the hydraulic radius "R", three important parameters for infrastructure projects, after previously selecting the diameter of the commercial line pipe. Numerical checks were performed, using as a measurement parameter the manning relations table, the polynomial function of grade 10 was selected, which produced a correlation coefficient r²-->1, attesting great fidelity to the adjusted models, in addition, the verifications of the accuracy of the functions modeled with the MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) method were performed to show the efficiency it provides. The results were efficient for the measurement of velocity (V), water slide (Y) and hydraulic radius (R) in circular section pipes operating under atmospheric pressure, with excellent numerical assertiveness. And it was proven that the functions found are of real value to urban infrastructure designers.
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