Viability of implantation of a biodigestor in a swine farm


  • Fernando Pasini Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, campus Frederico Westphalen
  • Aline Ferrão Custódio Passini
  • Andressa Aparecida Piovezan
  • Daiana Correa e Silva
  • Giovanna Angelina Machado



Swine breeding, Biodigestion, Bioenergy.


Pig production is one of the most important agricultural activities in the Brazilian South Region, however it is responsible for generating large amounts of waste and wastes. Among the most used forms for the treatment of these wastes are lagoon systems and biodigestion, the second one being the most profitable, due to the energy production potential and the quality of the biofertilizer generated. Considering that the greatest impediment to the implantation of biodigester systems is the installation costs, this study aimed to characterize a pig production unit (UPL), to size the basic parameters of a biodigester and to extrapolate the time required for the return of the investment costs. The chosen unit is located in the Municipality of Vista Alegre / RS, maintains an average of 9,964 pigs, which results in a total of 47.76 m³ of waste. Based on this volume will be necessary the implantation of a biodigestor with at least 1,671.6 m³ of capacity. The initial investment estimate for the implementation of the project is R $ 251,761.40. And the daily production of biogas is 11,411.7 m³, with a capacity to generate up to 18,405.96 KWh, thus it was estimated a time of return of investment of three years. Considering therefore, the installation feasible.



How to Cite

Pasini, F., Passini, A. F. C., Piovezan, A. A., Correa e Silva, D., & Machado, G. A. (2019). Viability of implantation of a biodigestor in a swine farm. Holos Environment, 19(1), 60–69.


