Soil-landscape in “Pico do Jabre (PB)
Borborema Plateau, Geomorphological mapping, Catena.Abstract
Pico do Jabre is a natural and cultural heritage with high tourist potential for the socioeconomic development of the immediate region of Patos and although it is considered one of the most important preservation areas in the state of Paraíba, the works on its geomorphological and pedological characteristics are available in the literature. they do not contemplate a holistic approach that can report an understanding of part of the genesis of their landscape. This study carried out the characterization of the soil-landscape of Pico do Jabre State Park-PB. To carry out this research, techniques of geomorphological cartography were used with extraction of TOPODATA morphometric data, morphological interpretation based on the relief taxonomy proposed by Ross and photo-geological observation. From the polygon of the Pico do Jabre Conservation Unit, a buffer was created that went beyond the official limits of the Park by 10 km. Using hypsometry, slope, shaded relief, topographic profiles, drainage network, Digital Elevation Model and the CPRM database, the relief was mapped. In addition, representative soils and morphological discretion were used to understand the soil-landscape interaction. Thus, it was verified that the area has slopes adapted to fault lines. Based on the distribution of the soils identified in the toposequence, it was found that they are in Catena, on the same geomorphic surface, which highlight associated pedogenetic processes. The soils were classified according to the Brazilian Soil Classification System as Histosol, Leptsols, Regosols, Lixisols and Regosols.