Proposed script for identification of springs and water courses




Water is a fundamental resource for the subsistence of life forms and for which the demand has grown at 1%/year; thus, the protection of water “producing” places, such as springs and water holes, is of high importance. In this scenario, the growing demand for space has increased the pressure on these environments. Despite this being a growing problem, there are few legal tools that allow for the standardization of hydrogeological analyzes of the existence of water sources, especially in anthropized areas. In this sense, the present work aims, through the proposition of a tripartite technical roadmap, to bring to light a methodology that allows entities and entities related to environmental licensing and territorial management technical security in the decision-making process. The roadmap encompasses techniques and knowledge that must be considered in an analysis of water sources, routing in an orderly and systematic way steps and essential information. The proposed methodology is composed of three phases, characterized by the construction of a conceptual model in each of them. Through the proposed, it is expected to bring speed, uniformity and robustness to hydrogeological analyses. As an end, it is intended to contribute to the construction of technical guidelines that result in the preservation and protection of water sources, in the face of the pressure that these environments suffer.

Author Biography

Gustavo Simão, Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense - UNESC

Geólogo, mestre em geoquímica, doutorando em hidrogeologia e especialista em hidrogeologia ambiental. Diretor fundador da Simão Soluções em Geologia e Meio Ambiente LTDA. Consultor do Geoparque Caminho dos Cânions do Sul. Professor na UNESC. Com mais de 8 (oito) anos de experiência profissional. Atuou como técnico em mais de uma centena de projetos nos eixos de: Recursos Hídricos Superficiais e Subterrâneas; Hidrogeoquímica; Análise e Investigação de Áreas Contaminadas; Projetos de Recuperação, Monitoramento Ambiental de áreas Degradadas e Estudos ambientais diversos.



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How to Cite

Simão, G., Viero, A. P., & Pereira, J. L. (2023). Proposed script for identification of springs and water courses. Holos Environment, 23(1), 1–18.


