Effect of eucalyptus globulus plantation management on some soil quality indicators


  • Alberto Pérez-Díaz Universidad de Guantánamo, Provincia de Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Sâmia Maria Tauk Tornisielo Centro de Estudios Ambientales – UNESP, Campus Rio Claro.
  • Gabriel Ribeiro Castellanos Centro de Estudios Ambientales – UNESP, Campus Rio Claro.




Soil CO2 emissions, Microbial activity, Soil Science, Forest formations.


The experiment was carried out at the Center for Environmental Studies (CEA) in Brazil. Three plots were evaluated: P-23 (with native species from Brazil), P-15 (deforestation) and P-Eucalyptus (50 years of planting), belonging to the Edmundo Navarro de Andrade State Forest (FEENA) with the objective of evaluating the effect of eucalyptus management on some soil quality indicators. Plots of  900 m2 with 17 collection points were installed. Soil quality indicators were evaluated: pH, OM (%), N (%), biological respiration (umol CO2 m-2s-1), bacteria and fungi (UFC). The results showed that environmental factors and soil quality indicators suffered greater variations in plot P-15. Significant differences were found between the treatments in terms of organic matter, soil N (%), number of bacteria and fungi, and the amount of CO2 released into the soil. Soil quality indicators varied according to the management of the forest. A relationship was found between CO2 production and the C/N ratio, C % and soil organic matter. The use of soil quality indicators can be a quick tool to evaluate the effect of forest plantation management.

Author Biography

Alberto Pérez-Díaz, Universidad de Guantánamo, Provincia de Guantánamo, Cuba.

Centro de Estudio de Tecnologias Agropecuarias


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How to Cite

Pérez-Díaz, A., Tornisielo, S. M. T., & Castellanos, G. R. (2023). Effect of eucalyptus globulus plantation management on some soil quality indicators. Holos Environment, 23(2), 143–156. https://doi.org/10.14295/holos.v23i2.12485


