Detection and delimitation of areas affected by dam break in Brumadinho – MG
Tailings dams, Affected areas, Rupture, Brumadinho – MG, Sentinel 2.Abstract
Ore tailings dams are designed to contain and accumulate liquid and solid substances from ore beneficiation processes.About 49% of the causes of dam collapse in the last hundred years are due to failures (management and structure) accelerated by exogenous processes.The collapse of the dam in the municipality of Brumadinho contained the tailings from the Córrego do Feijão mine, about 11.7 million cubic meters. Due to the disaster, the study aimed to delimit the area affected by tailings mud using remote sensing and compare with other methods already applied in the literature. In this way, Sentinel-2 images were acquired to apply the Supervised Classification method from spring 5.5.6 software, using an image before and after the tragedy (01/07/2019 and 02/01/2019). The methods used by other authors were: Supervised and Unsupervised Classification, NDVI Index, Simple Ratio of Ferrous and Clay Minerals and finally, vector. The application of the Supervised Classification proved effective in separating the image attributes, separating into areas (vegetation, others and affected area) resulting in a coverage of 282 ha and compared to the other methods, the areas covered by the mud ranged from 164,792 ha to 430,18 ha. With this, the study concluded that remote sensing methods are effective in delimiting areas that have suffered environmental impact, being a low-cost tool.
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