Conflicts of Mineral Water Management in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.


  • Lucio Carramillo Caetano Instituto de Agronomia - UFRural/RJ
  • Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira Instituto de Geociências - UNICAMP
  • Francisco Dourado Departamento de Recursos Minerais - DRM-RJ



Legislação Mineral, Política Mineral, Legislação de Recursos Hídricos, Água Subterrânea


Nowadays conflicts for the insertion of mineral water in the management of water resource are originated in models formulated at different moments of the Brazilian political history. The mineral water legislation (Mineral Water Code, 1945 and Mining Code, 1967) was created into centralized political governments, while the legislation of water resource possesses democratic, decentralized and multi-participative features (Federal Constitution, 1988, and Water Code, 1997). This study comes from an overall analysis of the historical registration of the policy evolution, which was based on the Federal Constitution and the Legislation regarding both mineral and water resources. These conflicts are very complex and severe, mainly caused by the following reasons: 1) mineral water has been considered an ore and legally it is not regarded as part of the water cycle; 2) mining areas and area with titles requested for mining have been blocked for land use, and 3) mining areas cover large areas of municipalities, constraining cities growth and occupying environmental protecting areas; 4) the creation of supplementary technical rules to attend present needs has caused conflicts with other ministry, state and municipality institutions, as Health Ministry, SERLA-RJ and fire department. This paper concludes that there is a need for inter institutional partnerships to manage the mineral water exploitation, according to their specific competences. The general management of the natural resources exploitation will be under the responsible Ministry (Energy and Mining Ministry).

Author Biographies

Lucio Carramillo Caetano, Instituto de Agronomia - UFRural/RJ

Doutor, Professor da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, responsável pelas disciplinas Legislação Mineral e Ambiental e Métodos de Lavra. Trabalhou no Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral (DNPM).Tem experiência na área de Geociências, com ênfase em Hidrogeologia e Política Mineral, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: água mineral, mercado de água mineral, economia mineral, evolução da produção de água mineral, recursos hídricos, política de recusros hídricos e de recursos minerais, legislação mineral e legislação de recuros hídricos.

Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira, Instituto de Geociências - UNICAMP

Professora Doutora do Depto de Geologia e Recursos Naturais do Instituto de Geociências - UNICAMP, desde 1998, ministra disciplinas de Hidrogeologia (curso geologia) e Análise e Gestão de Bacias hidrográficas (curso geografia). Trabalha em pesquisa e orienta alunos (mestrado e doutorado) em água subterrânea e gestão de recursos hídricos.

Francisco Dourado, Departamento de Recursos Minerais - DRM-RJ

Mestre em Geociências, trabalha no Departamento de Recursos Minerais (DRM-RJ), especialista em cartografia ambiental e geoprocessamento.



How to Cite

Caetano, L. C., Pereira, S. Y., & Dourado, F. (2012). Conflicts of Mineral Water Management in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Holos Environment, 12(2), 132–146.


