Capillary rise in sedimentary silts using scale model and high suction heads




Capillary rise. Matric suction. Sedimentary silt. Filter paper.


Capillary rise studies in fine soils are necessary to better understand its hydraulic properties. Two sedimentary silts yellow (A) and gray (B) were subjected to capillary rise with suction head of 2 m. Additionally, the yellow soil was also subjected to capillary rise in a reduced model using an acrylic box. For testing tubes, the results showed that the capillary water was able to saturate the column of both soils up to 70 cm in height, where the air entry point was found. The water took 41 days to reach 200 cm in soil A and 65 days in soil B, while approximately 1.6 kg of water entered both soils due to the suction head. The measured permeability coefficient (kc) varies from 0.0001 cm/s (soil A) and 0.00008 cm/s (soil B) at the height of the air entry to 0.00002 cm/s at 2 m height. The matric suction registered values greater than 500 kPa in the unsaturated phase of the soils. As for the reduced model for yellow soil, compacted in 3 different densities, the results showed that the velocity of water rising through the capillaries of soil increased when the soil was compacted with a higher dry unit weight. Over time, the coefficient of permeability decreased in all cases from 0.0005 cm/s to 0.0003 cm/s. The matric suction in the soil registered values of 600-800 kPa for saturation degrees between 90%-100%. It was verified that the rise height vs. time curve is mainly influenced by the molding porosity, saturated state permeability coefficient and air entry height.

Author Biography


Doctorate in progress in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Geotechnics (2018-current) in the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering (PPGEC) of the Federal University of Technology-Paraná-UTFPR with CAPES DS scholarship (Oct 2019-current). He received a master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering at PPGEC from UTFPR (2016-2018) with a PAEC scholarship from the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB), Organization of American States (OAS) and Pan American Health Organization (OPS) / CAPES Announcement 2015. He graduated as a Civil Engineer at the University of Sucre (Colombia) where he obtained honorary graduation (2015). During his undergraduate degree, he held international academic mobility at the Xalapa College of Civil Engineering at the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. He has experience as a construction supervisor, as a resident construction engineer, and recently as a technical laboratory for the Araucaria Foundation. It works mainly on the following subjects: ground improvement, unsaturated soils, paving materials, and optimization structures. Currently conducting research focused on soil geopolymer improvement based on ground glass waste, lime sludge, coffee waste, and RAP activated cellulose ash, cement, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, and recycled plaster. Member of the Geotechnical Studies Group of the Technological University (GEGEUTEC) of CNPq from UTFPR since 2017. He has published more than 65 Scientific Articles in Journals/Congresses. 81 citations in Google Scholar (h-index = 4), 44 in Scopus (h-index = 4) and 24 in Web of Science (h-index = 3). He is a Reviewer of journals such as Soils and Rocks (ABMS), Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (Springer), KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (Springer), Marine Georesources & Geotechnology (Taylor & Francis), Advances in Civil Engineering (Hindawi) and Revista DYNA (SciELO ). Senior Member of ABMS, Paraná/Santa Catarina Nucleus. Email:



How to Cite

Baldovino, J. de J. A., & Izzo, R. (2021). Capillary rise in sedimentary silts using scale model and high suction heads. Holos Environment, 21(2), 231–248.


