Valuation of seedling growth of mangrove species in different sediments
Mangrove, Substrate, Granulometry, Soil, Restoration, Vegetation structure.Abstract
Mangroves are ecosystems of great ecological and economic importance, due to the many ecosystem services they provide to human communities. Currently, several mangrove areas are located near urbanized regions, which contributes to the degradation of these environments, due to various anthropic impacts. Knowledge about the morphological characteristics of the soil is essential for the work of conservation and restoration of these ecosystems. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the growth of propagules and seedlings of the species Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove), Avicennia schaueriana (black mangrove) and Laguncularia racemosa (white mangrove) in different types of sediments. The experiment used a completely randomized design, with three treatments (A: 100% sand; L: 100% mud; and M: 50% sand + 50% mud), with three repetitions each, totaling nine seedlings per species and 27 seedlings in total. The samples were kept in an environment with good lighting, watered with fresh water, and measured weekly for three months (from August to November 2022). All propagules had 100% germination in all three types of sediment. To verify whether the treatments had significantly different effects on seedling development, an analysis of variance and the Scott-Knott Test were performed. With the data obtained, it was observed that the mud and mixed substrates had good results for the three species, with the mixed sediment being a good alternative for growing mangrove seedlings, without the need to use the mud from the mangrove itself.
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