Impact of biomass burning on aerosols physical-chemical properties in brazilian Pantanal




The Brazilian Pantanal is a complex forest with increasing agricultural production and has suffered heavily from droughts and fires whose emission impacts cloud formation, radiation scattering, air quality and human health with few in situ studies. The current work analyzed the impact of wildfires on the physical-chemical properties of aerosols in a natural reserve. Particulate material (PM) was collected in filters during seven months in the dry season and optical properties were retrieved from AERONET Cuiabá-Miranda site in the year of 2012. Chemical speciation was performed with X-ray fluorescence by energy dispersion and reflectometry for quantification of equivalent black carbon (eBC). The results indicate a shift in the predominance of trace elements from crustal (Al, Si, Fe and P) to biomass burning related (eBC, S, K), once wildfires occur, along with the particles average size reduction, verified by gravimetry and AERONET volumetric size distribution. The PM mass concentration mean value of 6,7±5,56 µg.m-3 for coarse mode and 5,98±2,18 µg.m-3 for fine mode. Equivalent BC had a mean concentration of 0,59±0,53 µg.m-3 in the whole period, and during a wildfire episode, reached 1,68 µg.m-3 in fine mode. Results showed the direct relation between optical groups of strong absorption and lower size and the increase of eBC concentration.


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How to Cite

Weber, A. dos S. (2023). Impact of biomass burning on aerosols physical-chemical properties in brazilian Pantanal. Holos Environment, 23(2), 119–142.


