Heavy metal biomonitoring and entomofauna distribution of enyigba mines in southeast, Nigeria


  • Cosmas Augustus Uhuo Department of Applied Biology, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. Nigeria.
  • Monday Chukwu Nwanchor Department of Zoology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria.




Heavy metals, Entomofauna, Mining site, Ebonyi State.


Heavy metals are metals with high atomic weight and substances with high electrical conductivity that voluntarily lose their electrons to form cations. The heavy metal biomonitoring and entomofauna distribution of enyigba mines in southeast, Nigeria was studied to determine the contamination of heavy metals base and attendant health risks using standard entomological techniques and atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). Insects examined were Reticulitermes flavipes, Zonocerus elegans, Acraea acrita, and Crematogaster sp collected from Royal Salt mining sites. The study revealed the accumulation index of Po4 (683.70±677.50) was high followed by Mn, (11.00 ±10.90) Cu, (7.600 ±6.60) Cd, (0.350±0.145) at p<0.05. This is high compared to the codex standards. ANOVA results declared the concentration of heavy metals above permissible limits with a significant difference between site A (SA) and the control site (CS) at (p<0.0001). Also, there is an important difference observed between site A (SA) and site B (SB) (p<0.0001). The relatively higher concentrations of metals were found in Orthoptera, followed by termite where ants recorded the lowest metal concentration. The study further revealed that remarkable values were recorded in the Control Site (CS) (32944) followed by (SB) (20904) while SA recorded the least value (6644). However, the low species diversity and abundance in different sites is an indication of the impacts of heavy metals accumulation in the sites. However, accumulation of PO4 in the insects, especially at sites A and B, showed the effects of mining on PO4 generation is high and could pose health risks to human life if not mitigated. However, the wet season recorded higher abundance compared to the dry season on Reticulitermes flavipes followed by Crematogaster sp. whereas Acraea acrita recorded the least abundance.


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How to Cite

Uhuo, C. A., & Nwanchor, M. C. (2025). Heavy metal biomonitoring and entomofauna distribution of enyigba mines in southeast, Nigeria. Holos Environment, 24(2), 76–89. https://doi.org/10.14295/holos.v24i2.12499


